So you’ve tried every hair loss treatment on the market but your hair continues to thin and your hairline has receded so far that bangs simply won’t hide the fact anymore.
Or maybe you’re facing chemo and dread the thought of having you hair fall out in clumps – adding insult to injury.
Here are some things you should know about wigs if you choose not to go around bald-headed. There are good things and bad things about wigs.
There are also many wig options medical wig providers and features to choose from.
Good Things About Wigs
1. No more bad hair days. With proper care, your wig looks great every day.
2. The full-head-of-hair look you get instantly with a wig takes 20 years off your appearance.
3. Wigs save styling time. Human hair wigs can be styled any way you like. If you don’t wear yours while you sleep, there’s no need to do any hair styling in the morning.
Synthetic wigs require practically no styling. Wash with shampoo; rinse; pat dry; fluff; hang to dry. The style comes back as the wig dries. In the morning all you have to do is comb it into place and perhaps spritz with a bit of hairspray.
4. Wigs are affordable. Good quality human hair wigs come as cheaply as $300. The best synthetic wigs are about $200. Think of your wig as an item of clothing which you will wear every day. Would you pay that much for a very special dress or suit?
5. If you treat your wig well, you can expect a wig (worn only during the day) to last at least three years.
A good buying strategy is to buy a new one about once a year, with each one being just slightly different in length and/or style than the last. This way you can transition from a short to a longer look. When you go from a longer wig to a shorter one, just say you had your hair cut!
6. If you are not sensitive about what other’s say or think, you can make wigs a fashion statement. You can change your “look” daily or even more often to suit your mood or the occasion during the day.
Bad Things about Wigs
1. The things people say. If your hair has thinned significantly by the time you buy your first wig, the difference will be very obvious.
Most people will be considerate and only tell you how nice your hair looks or how much younger you appear.
However you can count on a few insensitive people to announce in a loud accusatory tone, “You’re wearing a wig, aren’t you?!” Be prepared with a sassy comeback for them. For example, “Why in the world would you ask such a question?”
2. The only way to change the color is to buy a new wig. While human hair wigs theoretically can be colored, it’s not worth the risk of damage to such an important investment.
3. There may be some activities you need to give up; for example, swimming.
Chlorine is very hard on human hair wigs.
Wet hair is heavier and your wig could slip (see next point for solutions to this). Synthetic wigs do not look much like human hair when wet and the webbing may be visible.